Thursday, April 5, 2007

I'm Not The Only One

I got a certificate at work last week. It kind of made me feel special -- my name is in a large bold script (the largest text on the whole certificate, except for our company name). I'm proud to know that the male or female version of myself has completed ESD Control Training. (I'll be impressed if anyone knows what that is.)

Here's the kicker: the certificate is dated May 11, 2005. That's right, two years ago. I just received it.

Apparently I'm not the only one who gets a little behind.


Alicia said...

haha that's funny with it being dated 2 years ago..

Exquisite said...

Maybe they messed up the date? Well at least it's good news and it just goes to show that no one is perfect!

Anonymous said... wow...

Nathan said...

It was the correct date, I remember taking the training 2 years ago... just goes to show how crazy things are (probably not just at my workplace, but many others).