Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Perils of the Internet

Horror of horrors!

We got the most wonderful snowfall last night. My wife and I went sledding, which was great fun except for getting face- and mouthfulls of snow at the bottom of the hill every time. (Ok, that's part of the fun too!)

So I was going to blog today about what I like to do with snow and MY WIFE STOLE MY IDEA! I love making snow towers but she put up a picture of me with a snow tower so now I can't put up another one because that might look unoriginal and I can't be like any of the other billion people online.

Fortunately, today is a multipurpose day, so I found another image to use. Enjoy dear!


Rachel said...

Happy Valentine's Day baby. You are the sweetest!

piano boy said...

So you put a comic up that hundreds of other people have probably used in the history of the internet. Great Originality!