Of Greenery
I saw a story this morning. It looked something like this:
Here's the story.
The asphalt was a barrier constructed by our enemy to separate the life-giving resources in the soil from the life-sustaining resources in the sky (sun, rain) in order to neutralize the children of God (the grass). Any seeds trapped in the earth underneath or falling on top of the barrier would be unable to grow.
God, in His wisdom, had set into motion unseen forces that stressed the asphalt and, in time, caused tiny cracks to form in its surface. He used wind and rain to cause soil to collect in the cracks, and planted tiny grass seeds there. The seeds germinated, sending roots down to the soil below the asphalt, and blades of grass above the asphalt, and they grew. The seeds prospered in isolated communities, but were bound by the constraints of the asphalt around them.
What the seeds didn't know, and what nobody could have predicted, was that the simple fact that they were growing and being nurtured, sending blades up and roots down and reproducing, was slowly but inexorably crushing the asphalt walls that contained them. In time, no matter how unlikely it may seem, the pavement will be broken up and totally consumed, lost to time in a forest teeming with life. The structures intended to squash God's blessings will not only be destroyed, but will be replaced by new, more flexible structures that will support the fullness of life that God intended.
How handsome you are, my lover!
Oh, how charming!
And our bed is verdant.Lover
The beams of our house are cedars;
our rafters are firs.
Song of Solomon 1:16-17