Here is a must-read book for anyone concerned about whether the book of Genesis can be understood as a scientifically accurate and authoritative guide to the origins of our world.
The book is In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. In it, Dr. Walt Brown explains, using easily understood, experimentally verifiable scientific laws, why the geologic evidence supports a young earth recently shaped by a global flood, not billions of years of random chance.
I know when I was in high school, evolution was a Fact, and humans were monkeys that learned to use tools. If you wanted to believe in God too that was fine, but this was science and God didn't have much to say about it. I have several Christian acquaintances who espouse theistic evolution - the idea that the earth is billions of years old and we evolved from a primordial soup, but God directed the process to get us where we are today.
The problem with this line of thinking is what happens when you follow it to its logical conclusion: If God used evolution to create man, then God by definition introduced death into the world before man sinned. Consequently, the wages of sin is not death, Adam and Eve are abstractions, and the new Adam, Jesus Christ, is irrelevant. Who needs a Savior when the Fall is a fairy tale?
I can't do justice to the book in a blog post; read for yourself. If you're local, I have a copy I'm willing to lend out. The full text is also published online at